CryoEM Center's major equipment includes :
Tissue culture laboratory equipped with Thermo Scientific Heraus Megafuge16R, Ohaus Scout Pro scale, Orflo MaxiZ Mini Automated Cell Counter, Nuaire Biological Safety Cabinet Class II Type A/B3 Model Nu-425-400, Nuaire Autoflow IR Direct Heat CO2 Incubator (2x), VWR Fridge (Full Size and Mini), VWR Liquid Nitrogen Storage, VWR Waterbath and VWR Analog Vortex Mixer.
Leica High Pressure Freezer (EM PACT2); Leica automated freeze substitution unit and Leica cryo-Ultramicrotome (EM UC6) with cryo-sphere.
Advanced Gatan and Fishione plasma cleaning systems for treating EM-grids and other devices.