Nearby lodging facilities

The conference hotel is the Hilton College located on the University of Houston Campus. Please note that there are other Hilton Hotels in Houston, so specify this one if you are taking a cab. Directions to get to the hotel and parking information can be found here.

Participants paying for their own hotel rooms MUST make their own reservations with the hotel by Nov. 15 to get the negotiated rate. You should contact Sandra Latham, by email, phone (713)743-2471 or fax (713)743-2498. Please mention that you're with the "TLCC - BAYLOR CONFERENCE" to get the discount rate. You will need to provide your credit card number and expiration date in addition to the date and duration of your stay. If you are sharing a room, please coordinate with your roommate.

If we are paying for your hotel room we will make the reservation for you, and assign you a roommate. You will receive a confirmation number by email sometime in late november. In this case, you do not need to contact the hotel unless there is an error in your reservation.

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ATC CryoEM Core
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(713) 798-6989
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