National Center for Macromolecular Imaging Workshop on Single Particle Reconstructions and Visualization (& EMAN Tutorial)


Tuesday 12, November 2002


All Day


University of Houston Texas Learning and Computation Center

Houston, TX

This five day workshop will discuss the entire single-particle reconstruction process as implemented in EMAN as well as various techniques for interpretation, visualization, and animation of the reconstructed model. Experts in the field will give introductory lectures on image processing theory each morning, followed by practical workshops each afternoon. Each participant will be provided access to an individual high-end PC, in the University of Houston's state of the art teaching facility. The final day is optional and will be used to assist the participants with specific questions related to their own work.

Due to computer availability, we are limiting registration to 48 participants. Please provide information on the registration page indicating some of your background and reasons for attending the workshop.

There is no registration fee. Some additional funds will be available for those needing additional assistance with travel and or lodgning. Please indicate requests for additional travel assistance on the registration page.

printable flyer



Chandrajit Bajaj
U T Austin
Matt Baker
Baylor College of Medicine
Wah Chiu
Baylor College of Medicine
Tony Crowther
Medical Research Council LMB
Matt Dougherty
Baylor College of Medicine
Wen Jiang
Baylor College of Medicine
Steven Ludtke
Baylor College of Medicine
Pawel A. Penczek
University of Texas-Houston Medical School


Dana Feinberg


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